Concession Stand Duties
26 Aug 2019 by Brian Ainsworth
As discussed at the parents meeting, we will distribute the concession stand duties amongst all the parents to assure everyone pitches in to assist this season. I have created a schedule and if you are unable to assist on the assigned nights, please contact another parent and switch accordingly. If parents are unable to attend, the player will have to cover your spot.
I made sure to schedule parents at different times than when their daughter is playing, so if I missed anything, please let me know as soon as possible.
Also, there are two tournaments that we need volunteers for as well. We will not only hold concessions, we will need to collect at the doors as well. Each tournament starts at 8:00am on Friday and Saturday. We run these tournaments and 100% of the proceeds go directly to the program.
Thank you in advance for your help and assistance.
Coach Ainsworth
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